“ | Even though he is my competitor. It feels so nice to be with Roy, the world's most handsomest boy in the whole wide world..~! | ” |
Sophie, Top Star, Sophie
Sophie is a superstar girl. She owns a watch car named Lucia, and has a numerous amount of fanboys to attack every single hater that comes her way. Even in secret, she is obsessed over Roy for his brave, sweet and protective personality, admiring his handsomeness and cuteness, noticing that he is her type. She tells Lucia that she has right to a boyfriend and Roy flashed in her head, that time when he protected her.
She has purple hair, with her hairstyle as ponytails. She ties her ponytails with skull hairbands with her collar on her shirt having the same skull. Her shirt parts as the upper part is pink and the lower part grey, however she has outlines of dark grey and black as details. She wears a medium long black and white skirt while having black pants,
She's rather obnoxious for her age, being 13 years old. Most of the scenes are her fangirling over Roy. She manipulates and guilt-trips Roy, Maru and Jino about her story to win them over, Ari however dislikes her as they constantly pick fights against each other. She hates being bossed around by her manager and often runs away to feel normal.
Her impulsive and short temper acts always gets her in arguments, spitting out insults which makes two collide and attack. She has learned to be spoiled by her manager, making her think that she could get and win anything, including Roy which she made a bet between Ari.
Sophie, as an actress, rarely getting a break between shootings, script reading, campaign events, photoshoots, and the battle league. However, one day, she decided to run out, away from her manager. And so happens to meet Roy, she felt love for the first time. He was brave, handsome and at the same time cute. Her thoughts fluttered with Roy being her boyfriend, standing behind him while denying the fact that her manager was her manager, manipulating him with her acts. Though, when the manager told Roy that she was an actress, she was already gone.
Now on the bench with ice cream. She dreamed about lots of stuff, and that she had a right to a boyfriend. It wasn't astounding that Roy came up first in her head. Then her Watch Car got taken, she frantically chased after the Black Shadows, gaining the attention of Roy who was passing by. In the end, she got her Watch Car back as Roy fended the robots off, there she was again, smiling and blushing at him from behind. When Roy needed help, she wasn't afraid to help out when it was a crisis. Roy took her back to his base.
Jino and Maru were glad to see her, but however, she wasn't. Roy was on her mind, holding his arm as he looked extremely uncomfortable.