“ | You shameless bastard! You really don’t know what this is about?! | ” |
Leo, Leo, The Ice Warrior
Leo was a sweet, caring boy until he started experience bullying. He got manipulated by his bullies, even making him think that Roy was behind all this.. Seeing Sunni tied to a tree was his last straw, he saw Roy's hat there and he was blinded by anger. He met up with Roy, confronting him but then fled because of Avan. He cried, until The Black Shadows gave him a Watch Key. And that is where he got Mind Controlled. His Watch Car's name is now Frone.
Friendship with Frone/Sonni[]
They're really close, considering he hated seeing Frone getting bullied and wish it was him instead.
Leo with his title as Ice Warrior has the traits of it too. He's the Master of Ice. He's calucated, cold as he is seen giving death stares or cold glares at Roy or Ari. He is intelligent, and impulsive. Leo used to go to school with Roy, with whom they shared classes and were good friends. Leo's watch car was constantly harassed and the bullies who did it framed it on Roy by placing his ball cap there. Leo then blamed him and attacked him causing Avan to jump in and protect him hurting his watch car in the process. Leo leaves after transferring to another school but held a grudge against him. He comes back after the Shadow used a dark key to transform him and his watch car. Sonny became Frone and Leo's appearance was altered.
Clothing Style/Appearance[]
Before he had a yellow turtleneck shirt and black grey pants. His eyes were blank dark turquoise with his eyes relaxed and had brown hair.
Now he now has cyan shirt with a cutaway collar to his neck, ice blue eyes and white, cyan like hair. His hair is more thicker and his eyes are more sharper and his eyes having more colour in them.
Watch Car[]
Leo's Watch Car is Sunni or Frone has the Element of Ice. Contrast to Avan which he has is Flame
- Shield
Used to cover himself from soundwaves or anything similar
- Crystal Laser
Shoots a beam above the Watch Car. Icicles summon upon it and hitting them rapidly one by one. Can be used as freezing the Watch Car completely.
- Iceberg
Frone's Power Coin.
A blue, cyan and baby blue coloured theme Phoenix emerges from the crystal in the middle of Frone's eyes.
Jino; Not much interaction is involved with them
Maru; Leo might not know as much as Maru, but Maru knows a lot about Leo. He explained his origin and why he became as he was before.
Ari; He was pretty cold towards Roy, which made her mad. She told him about manners and what happened to greeting. But Of course, he gave her a cold glare, and she was already intimidated.
Roy; He had a close relationship with Roy in the past, but due to some unfortunate incident in the past, they had a bad relationship. Leo later came out to Twelve Masters, and yet he still held a grudge. Roy began the conversation by saying, "Long time no see, Leo." Though, the same didn't come to him, Leo gave him the cold shoulder as he told him he was going to beat him. After the fight, Leo's mind control session ended from his Watch Car, and he ended up passing out. In the end, we can see him apologising and thanking him for saving him, making them become friends again. Simplify sake Friends (Before bad stuff)-> Enemies (After Roy got framed) -> Enemies Rivals (Tournament fight thingy) -> Strangers (disorientation from Leo when he passed out)-> Friends (becoming friends after the incident) in such a short period.
- He is the only character that displays Antisocial Personality Disorder.