Power Battle Watch Car Wiki
Power Battle Watch Car Wiki

Woah! That is so cool, you jumped into a Superstar like Sophie just like that!
Jino, Top Star, Sophie 02

Jino (지노) is the protagonist on the Korean Animation TV Series, Power Battle Watch Car. He is also the owner of Bluewill, his beloved Watchcar partner.


Jino is an average teenage boy with spiky blue hair, Blue Eyes, Gear Goggles, wears a Blue Jacket, Blue Jeans & Wear a Blue and White Shoes


As the leader of the Main Four, he is a strong and reliable leader. However he still has the urge to tease his friends and provoke them to anger. He does always fix it in the end and making himself friends again. His rivals are Roy and Kai in tournaments and regularly such as in real life. He has a short temper when it comes to insults, wanting to attack Kai when he insulted him. He is most of the time arrogant and cocky of himself.

He can be loudly obnoxious when it comes to teasing. He laughs and tells Ari that she is ugly and that nobody will like her like that. He can also infuriate Roy by saying he has a crush on Ari as in the beginning where Roy got her favourite ice cream. Kai though, he can't make him mad, but he gets mad by him.

But he can be relatable as he fell into depression and constant sadness and refusing to eat for several because of Bluewill's temporary death. He was on the couch and sulking for days straight and without food, just to know if Bluewill was repairable. He can be also admirable that he risked himself for a kid on the crosswalk that was about to be hit by a lorry which then helped Bluewill activate his next generation powers.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B: Wall level | At the beginning of the series, In the episode Target, Lock On, BlueWill used a forcefield to tank an attack that could shatter very large boulder. Tier: 8-A | Multi - City Block level | With the power from his ultra key and the desperate attempt to save his friends, bluewill smash through a 2 inch steel door with ease burning it in the process. | Possibly Higher with Mind keys |

WatchMask With BlueThunder

Full height with BlueThunder

Name: Jino

Partner : BlueWill / Blue Thunder ( RoWM )

Origin: Wrist Racers A.K.A Power Battle Watch Cars

Gender: Male

Classification: Watch Mask

Powers and Abilities[]

Electricity Manipulation ( could shoot electricity from cannons ), Force Field Creation ( created multiple forcefields to take attacks from Blood ), Power Nullification ( can use his power coin to negate other moves ), Missiles, Lasers, Resistance to Darkness ( After easily shrugging of attacks from Blood's power coin attack ) Resistant to Electricity ( easily took lightning attacks from black shadows in mind key state ). Resistant to Fire ( ran through fire to test courage ), Blue Pulse Gun, Blue Railgun, Blue Spin Dash, Lightning Power Coin, Aerokinesis ( spins around at highspeeds to create mini tornado's that negate attacks ), Durability Negation ( one shots and wins against a watch car that was stated to be invincible via title of episode), and jet boosters.

Attack Potency[]

Wall level+ ( Series ) | RoWM | Possibly | Building level or Small Building level | . ( took attacks from a unknown watch car that could completely vaporize watch cars with his power coin attack and some watch cars can tank such attacks which could make damage similar to boulder vaporizing attacks. = Wall level+ AP and Blue Thunder one shots him which puts him higher. Tier: 8-A | Multi - City Block level | destroyed a 2 inch steel wall casually with the power from ultra key.

Speed: | Massively Hypersonic to LS |  : Could keep up with Ultra Blood who could teleport faster than lightning and his base form could react to Gaus would could move at LS stated by my boi Ain himself.

Lifting Strength : Weak

Striking Strength: Building Level+ ( Mind Key of Power BlueWill >>> Blood >> BlueWill ) Who could causally stop trucks moving at high speeds ).

Durability: Building level : Took Cannons and attacks from a house sized Watch Car which could Vaporize his base self.

Range: LARGE

