Power Battle Watch Car Wiki
Power Battle Watch Car Wiki

Look at Jino, he's all flustered! *laughing*
Braking, Genius Mechanic, Ain

He was one of the 12th in the Master Watch Car Tournament League, but later he got banned for a year because of him cheating in a match between him and Jino. His Watch Car is the one and only X-Ca.


He's a mischievous little dude, cocky of himself and always want the bad for others except his friends. He could be seen a bit of power hungry as he cheated in a race against Jino. He has sided with Kai, despite his evil-doings when he was mind controlled, a bit nervous even if he has full confidence in him, staying loyal to him no matter what except when it's his favourite pop-star, Sophie, then he's head over heels for her. He could be also seen as someone would judge someone like of a cover of a book.

He could be seen as obnoxious due to his anger issues and short-headedness. He could be seen as rude and terrible against others in scenes, either plotting revenge or doing evil. Along with Schmidt, they targeted Bluewill head on in order to win. However, he isn't as smart as Schmidt but still quite clever in attack and offence.

