Power Battle Watch Car Wiki
Power Battle Watch Car Wiki

Of course he is! He's my boyfriend!
Ari, Ari's Prince

Ari (아리) is one of the main characters of Power Battle Watch Car. Her Watch Car is Sona.

Ari is a sweet girl with a fierce temper. If she's not starting arguments, she's usually ending them.


Ari is a sweet and gentle spitfire. She emanates self-confidence and is self-assured in her beauty, which is the origin of her nickname as the Queen of Love and Beauty. She dislikes conflict, as demonstrated by her diversion strategies when dealing with arguments or disagreements. However, she won't hesitate to whip out her fists and settle things with physical violence.

Although she has a healthy amount of self-esteem, she still likes being given compliments. While she is usually somewhat level-headed, bias can cloud her decisions easily or wrack her with indecision, as seen when she fell for Hans despite his red flags, impulsively threw Sona into a near-death situation, and struggled to come to terms with Roy's feelings for her.


Ari has fair skin and bright pink hair. Her eyes are round, with pink irises and a singular eyelash in each corner. Her hair is pulled to the side in a high ponytail, held by a brown hair tie. She has a side part. Her bangs are swept to the sides, with a few stray strands here and there.

Ari wears an untucked white collared shirt underneath a knitted pink sweater vest. Underneath, she wears gray jean shorts with the cuffs rolled up. Her socks are actually long black stockings. She wears pink ankle boots with black soles and black zippers.



Her relationship with Jino isn't bad. Seeing how she cheers for Jino when he goes to the next match and is sad when Blue Will gets seriously injured, it's not bad. However, when Jino provokes, her fists fly away.


The relationship with Roy is unrequited. At first, she didn't like Roy, but later she thought 'Roy cares about me' as she sees him helping her Ari and comforting her when she is sad. While doing so, she began to like it.


Her relationship with Maru is also close.


She has a very bad relationship with Sophie, and when Sophie falsely cried in 'Popular Star Sophie 2', Ari said that it was acting, but Sophie, in a fit of rage, argued with her about being an alien. Despite Jino and Maru's dissuade, a big fight broke out. Later, we met Sophie in the second season, and when Sophie clung to Roy, Ari told her not to cling to him, and Sophie naturally got angry and started a fist fight. However, she is the only one among her rivals who has never had a watch car battle with each other.


The relationship with Hani is the only same-sex friendship. She appears in the 2nd season, but in 'Crushed Love', she is Roy's big fan who fell in love at first sight. And in 'Revenge Strike', when Ari was on his way to the stadium to give Roy a normal vaccine chip, when the car was blocked, he saw Hani riding a bicycle outside and eventually got off and borrowed a bicycle.


  • Love Love Missile

A skill that fires missiles at the sides of both wheels to attack. Power seems normal.

  • Love Love Beam

Ari's favourite technique, and a backward compatible version of Lucia's Ultra Sonic Wave. Blows a heart from the muzzle, causing the opponent's watch cars to fall into a distraught state. However, there is a downside, unlike the Ultra Sonic Wave that Sophie often uses, it is not a confusion period that gives great damage, but a confusion period that prevents other Watch Cars from attacking and has a time limit.

  • Lovely Swan

Sona's special move. A technique to attack by flying a pink swan. Its power is not very strong, but it seems to have a kind of purification function when fighting the monster Watch Car.

Voice Actress[]

  • Laura Bailey [Seasons 1 and 2]
  • Annie Bovaird [Movies and Season 3]

