Power Battle Watch Car Wiki
Power Battle Watch Car Wiki

Ain is a a genius mechanic shown in Episode 8 who makes maniacal but still a rather creative and innovative inventions for every single match. It is difficult to be prepared as he is always with ideas.


As a crazy but still incredible genius mechanic, he still goofs off and says funny stuff in his age as a twelve year old. His intelligence is very high as he accidentally made a device that was appropriate for the Black Shadows. When he noticed his Watch Car and other Watch Cars reported missing, he laughed and realised that the Black Shadows used a device with a frequency only Watch Cars could hear on TV. Of course his intelligence and preparation lands him in one of the Twelve Masters in the League Tournament as a 12 year old.


His hair is slickkk. Let me become serious now, he has a hair tip that curls in front of his forehead as his hair is rest stuck behind his head in a curled way. He has a one eyed golden glass as he wears a white and purple jacket. His undershirt is red. Of course he has his invention behind him that has many arms that he can work with. He has his sleeves rolled up most of the time.

Friendship with Chaos[]

He loves him and laughs with him. Like true friends they are.
